Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Old Moon Deli and Pie

Over the weekend, I visited Margaret & Patrick's new Deli called Old Moon Deli and Pie!

Margaret, who is also the cellist for the Darkly Victorian music ensemble Two Star Symphony, has done an amazing job with everything about this place! A true beauty to get lost in time along with fresh outstanding eats and PIE! I'm also loving the blackberry lemonade that I wish I had EVERYDAY.

Congrats Margaret & Patrick! Galveston is sooo lucky to have you.

Past Few Months

Hello Lovelies, so much has changed!

I miss blogging so much and I have so much catching up to do!

To make a long story short - I'm still working at Houston's most fabulous Oddities store and loving it! I also left my ex of 5 years and moved twice since then ~ what a ride that was however much stronger I've become and overcome! Life really is full of lessons.

I'm currently still unpacking and having fun decorating my new place and going on fun adventures with those I love <3

Here's a few pictures of the last few months.

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